The Dog Days of Summer
You can get your fix of the same delicious dogs we serve up at our carts and San Francisco shop at your very own event! Let's be Frank catering is perfect for company events, picnics, family gatherings, birthday parties, pool parties, Oktoberfest, late-night wedding snacks, wrap parties and more. The same friendly service and commitment to excellence that made our carts famous is yours to enjoy.
Frank Was A Pup
The origins of this quintessentially American dish are hotly disputed, but most historians agree that eating a long sausage nestled in a bun was introduced in the U.S. by German immigrants and became widely popular at Chicago's Columbian Exhibition in 1893.
Every Dog Has Its Day
Regional variations of hot dogs abound and incite passions like nothing else (except perhaps whether dogs or
- New York: served with steamed onions and pale yellow mustard
- Chicago: "dragged through the garden," (served with yellow mustard, neon sweet green relish, chopped raw onion, tomato slices, celery salt(!), and a poppy seed bun)
- Atlanta and the South: topped with coleslaw (also a favorite at our Steiner St. shop in San Francisco!)
- Kansas City: topped with kraut, Swiss cheese, and served in a poppy seed buns (those Midwesterners love their poppy seeds!)
- Detroit: all-beef dogs in a steamed bun topped with chopped onions, mustard and minced meat chili (also known as a Coney dog, not in New York on the actual Coney Island, where dogs of this style are known as Red Hots.) Confusing, isn't it?
- Los Angeles: (ok, this isn't the only dog in LA, but it's our favorite because it's the most fun to say): the "Dodger Dog" - skinless foot-long dogs, served steamed or grilled
- San Francisco: Need we have to say, but dogs here could go either way.
Say What?
In 2008, consumers spent more than $3.4 billion on hot dogs and sausages in U.S. supermarkets. And that doesn't even count the number eaten in ballparks, stadiums and restaurants around the country, which is expected to top 21 billion hot dogs this season.
And Speaking of Ballparks
Hot dogs consumed at MLB ballparks during the 2008 season would round the bases 41,667 times - enough to stretch from Nationals Park in Washington, D.C. to AT&T Park in San Francisco.
How Much is that Doggy in the Window?
The most exclusive-and expensive-spot to sell hot dogs isn't in the ballpark (surprisingly). It's outside of New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art., where Thomas Makkos pays $415,670 per year for the city's top dog spot. Now that's a lot of bones!